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Michael Dennis Murphy

Publisher/Editor/News Reporter

Responsible News Journalist Reports

Discussions of extremely very important News Story Headlines. 

Politics, Religious, and Scientific News Reports, Analysis, and Editorial Opinion Commentaries. 

Is The USA Experiencing A Federal Constitutional Crisis ?

We do not yet know if President Trump actually committed high crimes and misdemeanors! 

The Trump Administration allegedly seem to be paralyzed due to the appearance of gross improprieties. 

The verdict is still out as to whether or not President Trump will be able to faithfully discharge his official and formal duties of the office of President of The United States of America. 

We must all exercise extra reasonable due care and due diligence in conducting and performing our own analysis of the Russian Probe. 

Right Now: There exists rampant argumentative and speculative controversial editorial opinion commentaries that are biassed in nature that lack adequate and sufficient legal foundations in which to make any final determinations of guilt or innocence in the Russian Probe. 

Responsible News Journalist Reports

Discussions of extremely very important News Story Headlines.
Politics, Religious, and Scientific News Reports, Analysis, and Editorial Opinion Commentaries.
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